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Essex & South Suffolk CRP plant trees in Queen’s honour

Fifteen trees have been planted at local railway stations by Essex and South Suffolk Community Rail Partnership in support of the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative, celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.

The CRP spent time considering a suitable location for each tree, ensuring the area was free from overhead utility cables, away from the railway track, not blocking visibility and away from access points and manhole covers. Once these visual checks were complete, the area was scanned for underground electric and communication cables. The CRP commissioned Railscape to help with the planting of the trees.

Thanks to funding from Community Rail Network, the CRP were able to add a Tree Hydration Bag to each of the newly planted mature trees for slow-watering and to help the trees take root in their new home.

Not without its challenges, the trees are now settling in well to their new home at railway stations across Essex and commemorative plaques will be fixed near each tree to mark the occasion.

Find out more about the work of Essex and South Suffolk CRP on their website here.