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Ten years of blooming partnerships for Friends of Bentham Station

North Yorkshire’s Friends of Bentham Station will be celebrating their 10th anniversary this year, having formed in September 2011. Throughout this time, FOBS have received the kind support from the volunteers of Bloomin’ Bentham who undertake two major planting sessions each year at the station, as well as ongoing watering and garden maintenance. Bentham businesses and community groups, along with Northern and the lines rail groups, have generously supported the planting over the past ten years.

An active station group, FOBS are situated on the Leeds – Morecambe line, maintaining the gardens, flower tubs and embankments at the station. The group are very much at the heart of their rural community, creating projects very much aimed at social inclusion, including work with Northern and Leeds – Morecambe Community Rail Partnership (The Bentham Line) in thne creation of a dementia friendly railway line.