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How our corporate partners support our members

Community Rail Network’s corporate partners offer a variety of different skill sets, knowledge and opportunities to aid our members’ work and support the growth of community rail across Britain. Click below to learn more about the specific ways our corporate partners support members.

Request support from our corporate partners

Our corporate partners offer their time and expertise to aid our members’ work, supporting the growth of community rail across Britain.

Each of our partners offer a variety of different skill sets, knowledge, and opportunities, all of which are available for Community Rail Network members to access.

If you are interested in accessing support from one of our corporate partners, please complete our member’s request for volunteer support form.

Our corporate partners

Advance Consultancy

Advance Consultancy's support for Community Rail Network includes offering pro-bono services and reduced rates for team development and support. This partnership not only enhances the capabilities of Community Rail Network and its members but also strengthens the relationship between Advance Consultancy and the wider community rail movement, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for all involved.


CMAC can offer support to members in the form of staff time and expertise or other identified means (e.g. corporate volunteering). Specific opportunities may relate to sustainability, networking between community rail groups and other stakeholders, and undertaking volunteering opportunities with community rail partnerships and station groups.

Eversholt Rail

Eversholt Rail can offer support to members in the form of staff time and expertise or other identified means (e.g. corporate volunteering). Specific opportunities may relate to their Revolution Very Light Rail vehicle, and the viability of it running on community rail lines during a trial period.  Eversholt Rail will (where appropriate) assist the CRPs with provision of information to prepare business cases ref. viability of RVLR on their specific routes.

Hitachi Rail

Hitachi Rail can offer support to members in the form of staff time and expertise or other identified means (e.g. corporate volunteering). Specific opportunities may relate to education and careers, measuring social value and undertaking volunteering opportunities with community rail partnerships and station groups.


Porterbrook can offer support to members in the form of staff time and expertise or other identified means (e.g. corporate volunteering). Specific opportunities may relate to education and careers, engaging young people on STEM and undertaking volunteering opportunities with community rail partnerships and station groups.

Siemens Mobility

Siemens can offer support to members in the form of staff time and expertise, local spend, or other identified means (primarily but not exclusively utilising Siemens’ corporate volunteering and charitable donations programme). Specific opportunities may relate to engaging with young people on STEM, biodiversity enhancements, rail safety, rail heritage promotion / protection, measuring social impact and undertaking volunteering opportunities with community rail partnerships and station groups.

They are keen to be more involved with community rail on a practical and directional basis, and have recently had a member of their staff appointed as a board member on a CRP management board.


Skanska can offer support to members in the form of staff time and expertise, local spend, or other identified means (e.g. corporate volunteering). Skanska is interested in exploring a diverse range of topic areas but have a specific interest in engaging with young people (particularly around STEM activity and careers / employment advice) and connecting with other local stakeholders to support community engagement work.


SLC commit a maximum of 100 hours of pro-bono support (over a 12-month period) to assist members with free rail and property expertise regarding station and building projects. To find out more about this offer and how to access support, please watch this video and read this member resource protocol.


TeamBA commit a maximum of 50 hours of pro-bono support (over a 12-month period) to members, on their creative media projects and event delivery. Additionally, members can also benefit from heavily discounted rates for both their service rates and AV kit hire. To find out more about this offer and how to access support, please read this member resource protocol.