Welcome to Community Rail Network
Community Rail Network is the membership body for over 75 community rail partnerships and 1,200 station adoption groups. We support our members to be effective in connecting communities with their railways, delivering social, environmental, and economic benefit.
Members’ services
We provide expert advice and support to help our members increase their impact locally, while also championing community rail nationally.
Members’ services
We provide expert advice and support to help our members increase their impact locally, while also championing community rail nationally.
Events & campaigns
Our wide range of events and campaigns give you the opportunity to connect, collaborate, learn, and share.
Events & campaigns
Our wide range of events and campaigns give you the opportunity to connect, collaborate, learn, and share.
Reports and research
Browse our library of research reports, guidance booklets and toolkits for practical advice and inspiration.
Policy papers and consultation responses
We draw on insights from across the community rail movement to influence key policy and decision makers.
Case studies
If you’re looking for examples of best practice or project inspiration, our case studies have everything you’ll need.
Join the cause
Joining Community Rail Network as a member or a partner brings a range of benefits, enabling us to be effective in supporting the community rail movement and delivering greater social value.
Join the cause
Joining Community Rail Network as a member or a partner brings a range of benefits, enabling us to be effective in supporting the community rail movement and delivering greater social value.