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School unicorns discovered at Petersfield Station Hub

Free Shop Friday, which is based at Hampshire’s Petersfield Station Hub, discovered it should actually be located in Diagon Alley, the Harry Potter street where all would-be wizards buy their magical goods. The discovery was made when a little boy, who had come in with his mother and sister to get uniform for starting school in September, thanked the volunteers for his ‘school unicorns’, not quite understanding what uniform was.

“That little lad made our day…I won’t be able to look at school uniform in quite the same way!” said Doffy Wynn-Williams, the volunteer in charge of second-hand school uniform at Free Shop.

For over a year now, Free Shop Friday has been providing free second-hand uniform for several Petersfield schools. Whilst most of its stock is for The Petersfield School, Herne and the Infants it also has a limited amount for other schools, as well as a range of non-badged uniform. Doffy joined the shop after retiring from Fraser’s Menswear in Chapel Street. During her sixteen years there, she spent a lot of time with school uniform, so is very good at sizing children and finding the right fit. If you would like to see what uniform Free Shop has in your child’s size, or will be using the summer to clear out old school clothes, please feel free to drop by the Hub, which is pen on Wednesday’s from 1.30 – 3pm and from 10am – 2pm on Friday and Saturday.