Community Rail Awards 2025 now open for Entries! Click here to read more.

It’s Your Station

Re-introduced for 2024, this category recognises and rewards the hard-working people who maintain station gardens, displays, notices, and the station environment, on a voluntary basis across the network. Continuing with guidelines introduced last year, there is no overall category winner, with entries instead judged at four different banding levels, with the highest scoring entry in each band being recognised as outstanding at that level. We hope this format will continue to facilitate fairer judging of more like with like.

Entries in this category are still assessed and points awarded over four sections: community, gardening, art & heritage, environment & sustainability. The total points achieved will equate to one of the four bands: bronze, silver, gold or platinum. Every group passing the first sift, will receive at least a bronze certificate, but following the judges’ online assessments, specific bandings will be allocated from the four listed above, and certificates awarded accordingly at the presentation evening. The highest placed entry in each banding will also be presented with a trophy and a cash prize on stage. 

Entries invited from:

Station groups or community groups directly involved with looking after the nominated station. 

Essential requirements:

Entries must describe the work you have done or are doing to improve your station garden and environment. You must include before and after images (relevant to when the work started) with your entry, and other suitable evidence, clearly showing the station environment and how it has been improved. The full ‘Judging Assessment Criteria’ can be downloaded from the Community Rail Network website HERE

Note: Our judges are no longer able to make personal visits to stations, so you must make sure that your entry is well supported by photographs and video footage, as this will be the only opportunity to showcase your station and the work 

you’ve been doing. To help you with this, we have developed a toolkit especially for supporting you to make the most of submitting an entry to ‘It’s Your Station’. It will be available for download from the Community Rail Network website early June.

In addition to this, we will also have some drop-in sessions on Zoom, with this category’s judges, where you can ask questions/seek advice in advance of submitting your entry. Schedule also to be published early June.

Outline Judging criteria: 

  • Community – inclusive of and represents local people. Engages with the local community to collaborate and participate in the planning and delivery of projects and in publicising its activities.
  • Gardening – station gardens and environments enhance the passenger experience – quality, colour, and variety of planting and changing displays are maintained and cared for throughout the year.
  • Art & Heritage – Artwork impacts the station showing skill and imagination. Local artists, schools or other community groups involved in the design and delivery. Heritage installations have a railway (eg signage or other artefacts) or a local historical theme. 
  • Environment & Sustainability – Group is improving the station environment by litter-picking, leaf-clearing, weeding platforms etc. Creating or maintaining green space, which addresses sustainability by rainwater harvesting, composting, recycling etc. 

Please note: Shortlisted entries in this category will be informed of the level awarded in advance of the presentation evening, where all certificates will be available for collection.