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Children’s rail safety book now available for online orders

Arlo’s Adventures, the children’s ‘pick-a-path’ railway safety book, is now available for community rail partnerships (CRPs) and education groups to order online.

The book, written and illustrated by train driver Bessie Matthews, was launched in July this year. The story (most suitable for children aged 7-13 years old) follows Arlo and his friends on a day out as they make safe choices around the railway.

The project has been led by the Community Rail Education Network with funding from Community Rail Network, ScotRail and Freightliner.

Community rail hubs across the UK now have boxes of books and some limited merchandise should you wish to contact them for samples of the book – details can be found here. You can also click here to view the book online.

CRPs are now able to order Arlo’s Adventures in bulk for the education work their partnership delivers to young people, or if they would like extra copies to hand out at events.

When ordering books, the original sponsors’ logos will remain on the back with the book information, but CRPs are also welcome to send their logo over to the printer who will include it in the inside cover with the text “Reprint of this book sponsored by…”.  

All books are made to be available free of charge, with a suggestion that a donation can be made to the Railway Children charity.

Community Rail Network are also open to receiving funding applications into either the Small Grants or Community Rail Development funds as contribution towards the costs of ordering books.

To place an order or make an enquiry, visit the shop website or contact Aaron Jackson at Cosmos Solutions on or call 07393 147 853.