After several months of consultations, the Community Rail Education Network has finally chosen a logo. The process began in January when Wedge Collective director, Jodie Greenwood led a session with members on how to choose a logo. Several ideas were brought to the session, including education elements such as owls, mortar boards and trees.
Jodie went away and came up with some ideas and the group gave feedback on their preferences. It was felt that the logo needed to contain a train or the railway and people. The group were sent various colour options last week and then voted on their favourite.
In December, the Community Rail Education Network won the ‘Outstanding Contribution to Community Rail‘ Award and have used the prize money to design the logo and pay for items such as mugs and badges to send to members.
The network moved online during the Covid-19 pandemic and opened up membership to anyone with an interest in education in rail across the country. To join the network, please contact its chair Karen Bennett at