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Community Rail Network and Skanska UK announce corporate partnership

Community Rail Network has announced its latest corporate partnership with Skanska UK, one of the world’s largest development and construction companies. 

During the year-long partnership, Skanska UK will benefit from established local connections in its current and future projects. It will provide industry expertise and provide funding to support community rail initiatives across the UK.

Community Rail Network is the membership body for over 75 community rail partnerships and 1,200 station adoption groups, all playing an important role in connecting communities with their railways, improving social inclusion, community wellbeing, and sustainable, healthy travel, as well as helping to give individuals and communities a voice in future rail and transport development.

Skanska has identified four key areas for social impact: achieving net-zero carbon; promoting inclusion and diversity; offer skills, employment, and training opportunities; and enhancing supply chain resilience and capability.

These priorities help to deliver the most significant positive outcomes for society and strengthen local communities. The business is committed to working with young people and these efforts have contributed to capturing over £90 million of social value support on its IP Central project in Euston.

Sarah Chilton, director of communications and policy at Community Rail Network, said: “Community Rail Network is all about empowering communities, bringing people together, and increasing access to sustainable travel and the opportunities it opens. We support and champion hundreds of volunteer groups and community organisations across Britain running diverse activities like rail safety and education schemes with young people, bringing disused station property back into community use, and initiatives to link up rail with buses, walking, wheeling, and cycling to make green and healthy journeys easier.

“We depend on grants, donations and sponsorship from government and organisations that share our passion for community rail and making a difference to communities. We are delighted to welcome Skanska UK as a corporate partner and look forward to working with them to help community rail to increase its impact, and to advance sustainable, accessible, community-friendly transport.”

Camila Bernal, Head of Environment at Skanska UK, said: “Social value is not ‘a nice to have’ anymore, it is a responsibility and commitment that businesses such as Skanska have towards the community and the environment. By delivering social value we can transform the relationship between business and communities, build a happier workforce and fight climate change, truly leaving a positive legacy.”

To find out more about Community Rail Network’s partners and supporters, click here.

For more information about Skanska UK, visit