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Community remembers former Seaford to Brighton Line CRP chair

A memorial bench and plaque have been unveiled in the memory of former Seaford to Brighton Line CRP chair Jon Freeman.

Jon, a former Seaford town councillor and ex-mayor of Seaford, served as chair of the Seaford to Brighton Line CRP from its inception in 2013 until his passing in September 2021.

Jon Freeman’s widow Chrissie and his son Sam at the memorial bench.

The bench and plaque are part of a new outdoor play area / classroom space at Cradle Hill School, where Jon served as Chair of Governors. The commemorative items form part of a donation in Jon’s memory from a fund set up by Southeast Communities Rail Partnership (SCRP) and Community Rail Network.

Jon’s widow Chrissie and his son Sam attended the official opening ceremony for the new outdoor classroom alongside SCRP staff and directors, as well as members of the Seaford to Brighton CRP (now called the Sussex Downs Line).

Paul Bromley, Sussex Downs Line Officer at SCRP, said: “Jon Freeman was a tireless campaigner who worked hard to ensure the voice of the community was heard. He was an engaging and welcoming Line Chair, and the bench and plaque are a fitting memorial to his dedication to youth groups in the area.”

Keep up to date with future news, projects and events from Southeast Communities Rail Partnership via their website.

Southeast Communities Rail Partnership chief executive Fiona Morton and Sussex Downs Line Officer Paul Bromley with pupils from Cradle Hill School.