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Cycle-rail toolkit launched

New guidance has been published offering a step-by-step guide on how to encourage more people to combine cycling with rail use.

The updated ‘Cycle-Rail Toolkit 3’ outlines ideas and best practice for station operators, train operating companies, local authorities, and any other partners involved in cycle-rail initiatives, such as community rail partnerships and groups.

The guidance was commissioned by the Cycle-Rail Working Group and developed by the transport consultancy SYSTRA, with support from Sustrans and Active Travel England. It offers advice on improving cycling routes to and from stations and cycling facilities at stations and on-board trains. It also gives practical information to support the justification for investment in cycle-rail schemes and explores possible sources of funding.

The toolkit can be accessed here. You can also access information about community rail-led cycle-rail projects in ‘Connected Stations,’ our guide to community-led station travel planning here.