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Department for Transport looks to connect transport modes with new bus strategy

The Department for Transport has recently launched Bus Back Better: national bus strategy for England, outlining improvements to bus services across England. We encourage all our members to read through the document, especially where it relates to rail, and consider any areas where community rail can assist, espeocally in multi-modal travel. The strategy underlines the need for better integrated with other modes and each other – more bus routes serving railway stations, as is standard in most European countries, and integrating with cycling and walking routes and networks. Other key points in the strategy relating to rail are:

  • Railway stations should be hubs for connecting services with high quality stops close to station entrances. Schemes that move buses further away from stations should not be allowed;
  • Passengers should not have to buy a new ticket when changing buses. Easy through ticketing should be available between bus operators and other transport modes;
  • An ambition for an integrated ticketing approach to allow you to buy a through journey for local bus, rail and metro with a single tap on your smartphone;
  • Full information on local bus services should be posted in railway stations, and the rail industry should promote bus links.