Upcoming Education Network session
The next Community Rail Education Network meeting will be held on Thursday 18 April, 10-11am. Colleagues from Queensland Rail in Australia will share details of their current education programme. Officers from Brisbane will share some of their key resources, and Education Network members from the UK will share best practice from their own initiatives and projects. If you would like to attend and contribute to this meeting, please let Karen know beforehand.
Previous session
At the Education Network meeting on Thursday 21 March, an open discussion was held focussing on safeguarding, risk assessments and DBS checks when working with young people. Attendees shared best practice and discussed ideas for how this work could be further supported by Community Rail Network. Training and development coordinator Alex Peel also joined the session to discuss potential future training opportunities.
The Education Network is open to anyone with an interest in railway education. If you would like to join the Network and attend any of the upcoming meetings, or if you have any education or youth engagement matters you would like to discuss, please contact Karen Bennett on karen@communityrail.org.uk.
All notes, resources and recordings from previous meetings are available to view on the Education Network website.
Platforms for Change
Over 40 Scout groups have now been matched up to stations across the UK as part of the Platforms for Change project, which sees groups from Squirrels to Explorers getting involved with community rail activities at stations such as art, gardening, DIY, travel confidence and many more.
There are still over 50 Scout groups looking to link up with their local station – these can be adoption groups, community rail partnerships or train operator-managed stations. If you would like to register as a host station, please sign up here.