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Engage young people with community rail through creative arts projects

The Community Rail Education Network met on Wednesday 18 September to discuss the different kinds of resources and mediums that can be used during educational sessions with young people. The recording and resources from the meeting can be found here: Useful Resources – TrainEd.

The next session will be held on Wednesday 16 October, 10am-12pm, and will focus on art projects with young people. Attendees will hear from an artist, CRP officers and Katie Douglas from Community Rail Lancashire, who will share some top tips on how to organise a creative project with young people.

All notes, resources and recordings from previous meetings are available to view on the Education Network website

The Education Network is open to anyone with an interest in railway education. If you would like to join the Network and attend any of the upcoming meetings, or if you have any education or youth engagement matters you would like to discuss, please contact Karen Bennett on