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Help Network Rail re-imagine Britain’s future stations

Britain’s local stations are getting a new design, and Network Rail wants to know what you think. Network Rail is inviting you to participate in ExploreStation, a programme of online and in-person activities commissioned by Network Rail to help shape the station design proposals. ExploreStation is led by Design Council in partnership with The Glass-House Community Led DesignDigital Urban and Commonplace. Community Rail Network has been involved in the past in Network Rail’s development of a new standard Railway station design, promoting a strong emphasis on community input and making sure stations reflect the needs of local communities.

7N Architects’ emerging designs are the result of their competition-winning proposals in the RIBA’s international design contest, ‘Re-Imagining Railway Stations’. The aim is to create a better travel experience across Britain and community hubs for passengers and local people alike. You can help make this happen by sharing your ideas on how to deliver a great station experience, and letting Network Rail know your thoughts on the services and activities you’d love to see at the heart of your community.

Exhibitions and workshops at the following locations are an opportunity to find out more about ExploreStation and give Network Rail your feedback.

Each event consists of a drop-in exhibition from 15.00–17.30 followed by a ticketed workshop from 18.00–20.30.

Refreshments and dinner will be provided at the workshops.

If you’re not able to join in person, you can respond online. Sign up here to be alerted when the online engagement platform launches later this month. There’ll be further in-person engagement opportunities across the UK early in 2022. Network Rail want to hear from as many people as possible to ensure that Britain’s future stations work for all of us – please share this invitation with friends, family and professional networks.

More information about ExploreStation and ways to get involved can be found in this flyer.