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Feedback and progress from station adopters gardening session

At the end of August 2023, volunteers from around 20 station adoption groups got together for an online networking session focusing on gardening projects.

Following our Climate Resilient Gardening webinar earlier in the year, a number of groups had adapted their planting schemes to introduce those that need less water and were reporting successes, especially with herbs.

Sam from Grow Feral talked to the group about their project with Severnside CRP and South West Community Payback to reclaim wasteland at the end of the platform at Weston-super-Mare Station. You can see pictures of the project on Grow Feral’s Instagram and website.

The photos attached, taken by both station adoption groups and members of the Community Rail Network team, show the progress and results of gardening projects using the insights gained from the networking session.

Clockwise from top left: Alnmouth Station herb planters (where there is no water source on the platform); bug mansions at Knaresborough Station; Pinhoe Station planters; and Surbiton station garden.

Here are a couple of comments from some of the attendees:

“It was great to chat to other groups – I found the breakout sessions really useful.”

“This was the first session I attended, and it was great to hear advice from people who have been station adopters for many years.”

“I thought the session worked really well, especially the breakout rooms.”

“The session was a really useful reminder of projects and ideas we’re thinking of focusing on.”

Details of future events for station adoption groups, both online and in-person, will be advertised in Community Rail News and on our website. You can also contact our training and development coordinator Alex Peel on