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Friends of Goostrey Station engage the local community with projects for all ages

Chair of FOGS Dave Roberts and treasurer and vice chair Craig Sidebotham securing a new noticeboard to the entrance of Platform 1.

The Friends of Goostrey Station (FOGS) are continuing to engage their local community with a variety of events and projects.

Last autumn, FOGS were delighted to host a Goostrey Beavers meeting at the railway station. The children enjoyed a craft activity in the Goostrey Art Studio, and were keen to sweep up fallen leaves, plant daffodil bulbs and investigate the bug hotels in the station garden.

A casual comment about being able to see stars and planets in the night sky as the group were leaving led to plans for another joint meeting in February, where FOGS treasurer and vice chair Craig Sidebotham (himself a keen amateur astronomer) led an astronomy session at Goostrey Scout Hut.

The aim was to help the Beavers achieve their Space Activity Badge. Craig used a planetarium program to show the constellations and the planets, and to demonstrate how the stars move across the sky during the night. The children took part in interactive activities to learn about the order of the planets, as well as some of the missions into space including the Apollo Saturn 5 rocket, the moon landings and the International Space Station. They even got to see how two astronomical telescopes work.

FOGS are currently planning another joint activity, this time with Goostrey Parish Archive. If you have photos or stories relating to the history of Goostrey Railway Station, FOGS would love to know. You can get in contact with Chris Burgess on or 07976 894 737.

Debbie Goldsmith of Goostrey Art Studio has also been busy planning new projects. On Monday 8 May, the Art Studio will be taking part in The Big Help Out, where members of the public are encouraged to try volunteering for themselves. Goostrey Art Studio will be hosting an open workshop where local residents will be able to make clay stepping-stones, as well as find out more about volunteering opportunities with FOGS.

FOGS volunteers meet on the second Sunday of each month – the next working party will be on Sunday 12 March. If you’re interested in joining, contact Chair Dave Roberts on 07494 976 779, or Vice Chair Craig Sidebotham on

If you’re interested in bringing a group to Goostrey Art Studio, contact Debbie on