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Get up to date on progress and plans for Railway 200 celebrations

We’re pleased to provide members with an update on progress and plans for the national 2025 campaign, below.

Railway 200 website

The website is live now, see here, but from April 2024 more information will be available and extra functionality will be included. Also, from early summer (date to be confirmed) the website will feature an interactive map showing celebrations taking place across the country. The website will have the functionality for you to upload your local Railway 200 event/activity. Once uploaded the details will be verified and added to the site, providing a great opportunity for you to promote your local events to a wider audience.

Social media

March 2024 will see the launch of the official Railway 200 social media channels. The Railway 200 team will be looking for stories and activity plans from community rail to promote on these new social channels. Once live, we can also start including Railway 200 in relevant social media posts in the lead up to the event to gain interest and a wider reach.


The Railway 200 team are developing a newsletter that will be sent to their stakeholders and sponsors in the spring. This regular newsletter will be an opportunity for us to feed in and submit stories about how community rail is getting involved and could also highlight local activity plans.

Exhibition train

Work is ongoing regarding the exhibition train and the proposed route it will take across the country.  Once the route is confirmed then this will be shared, and members will be able to consider how they might link in with the train.

Brand Guidelines

Digital brand guidelines will be produced over the coming months and will be available to download from the Railway 200 website so that you can use them on all your promotional material for your events.

Keep up to date with the latest news through Railway 200 website here. Updates will also continue through the Community Rail News fortnightly bulletin (make sure you sign up here).

For support on how you can get involved in Railway 200 in your area, please see our members’ brief here or contact our Comms team.