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Grow Wild funding opportunity for community groups

Denmark Hill Community Garden | Photo: Ines Stuart-Davidson/RBG Kew

Grow Wild is looking for five community groups to create urban space transformations with a £2000 grant

Are you part of a community, youth or voluntary group? Has your station adoption group got a project idea to help connect local people with the natural world? Do you know an urban space or station platform that would be ideal for a transformation?

If the answer is yes – apply for a community project grant from Grow Wild and bring your group’s ideas to life.  You’ll be helping to bring people together to value and enjoy UK native plants.

What’s it all about?

In the UK we’re lucky to have a wonderful variety of native plant species. Not only do they bring colour and interest to our lives, they provide vital food sources and shelter for our insects, birds and other wildlife. Despite being rewarding to grow and experience, many of our UK native species are unfortunately in decline, particularly in more urban areas.

Grow Wild is offering grants of £2000 to five groups from across the UK who would like to help change this, by transforming an urban space through planting and taking positive actions for nature. Grow Wild is looking for groups who will involve other people in their project and create transformations that will benefit their wider community.

For full details and to apply, please visit the Grow Wild website:

Application deadline: 10am on Monday 4th April 2022

Grow Wild is the national outreach learning initiative of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.