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Redevelopment of Haltwhistle Station waiting rooms continues

Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership has been keep us updated on the redevelopment of Haltwhistle Station’s waiting room redevelopment, which been funded by rail industry partners.

Coming towards the end of May, TVCRP is almost there with the platform 2 building. Baseplate, corner posts, floor and external walls have been repaired or replaced as necessary. The structure was built in 1907 with external walls made of wood with wood cladding on the inside.

To create a new lease of life for the building as studios fit for the 21st century, much insulation has been put in place before cladding the internal walls. The windows and doors have been repaired where possible and replaced in the same style where necessary. Re-wiring and new services are being installed as we move towards decoration.

The internal and external walls, windows and doors are being painted in the same heritage colours used on the signal boxes and bridges along the line – cream and red. With the building being a modular structure, a door at the end of the building has been opened up as the new entrance to the waiting room.

New steps have also been laid and the new ramp is being constructed. A canopy is to be installed over the paved entrance area and our Hadrian mosaic will be included in a vertical position on the new railings. Now onto the building on platform 1!