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Join the Big Bike Revival to encourage everyday cycling and active travel

Cycling UK is keen to collaborate with community rail partnerships and station groups to deliver the Big Bike Revival, encouraging more people to use modes of integrated travel.

Evidence indicates that people often cycle less due to barriers such as lacking confidence or local route knowledge, as well as feeling less safe when cycling. It is the mission of the Big Bike Revival to engage local communities and deliver free events that enable a change through fixing bikes, teaching skills and leading rides.

Local partners delivering the programme are typically social enterprises, charities and individual organisations who are embedded in the local community. Already addressing the local needs, partners shape events to fill the gaps in cycling and all events are free to access for everyone.

Susan Keywood, Big Bike Revival Programme Manager, said: “Making a step change and normalising active travel, means strengthening local connections and collaborations, and linking up with public transport services to support people who want to start cycling for journeys that partially involve different transport choices.

“Our partners are helping us make cycling a normal active transport option by inspiring adults of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to discover the joys and benefits. We recognise that there are lots of opportunities with local community rail partnerships and groups to make journeys by bike and train easier and more accessible.”

The programme is funded by the UK Government and Active Travel England until March 2025. Currently, the winter intervention is being delivered from November 2023 until the end of February 2024. Around 150 partners have been awarded grants to host local events and approximately 10,000 people have been reached. Next year, the summer intervention will start in April and run until the end of October 2024.

If you are interested in getting involved, keen to apply to deliver or simply want to find out what’s happening locally to you, please contact one of Cycling UK’s cycling development officers. Contact details are found at the bottom of the programme webpage, alternatively contact the central team on