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Kent students enjoy first station adoption day

Students from Grow 19, a small college for learners aged 19-25 with special educational needs, have enjoyed their first day as the new adopters of West Malling Station.

On Wednesday 20 September, the Grow 19 students and three of their tutors arrived for their first day of station adoption at West Malling Station, on the Kent Downs Line.

The students worked diligently until the whole bank was covered in freshly planted bulbs, using a technique called naturalisation – a process which allows nature to take over, as the bulbs are planted randomly as opposed to in straight rows.

This planting at the station (and future planned work) will support a City and Guilds unit of work for Level 1 Practical Horticulture Skills for which the students are studying.

Some of the students also participated in a litter pick of the whole area and will be returning in the coming weeks to carry out more weeding and litter picking, ensuring the whole station environment is brightened up and looks tidy and welcoming.

Jo Wells, Tutor at Grow 19, said: “It was a great opportunity for the students to learn the new skill of planting bulbs, supporting them towards their Level 1 qualification.”

There was also positive feedback from the students involved:

Kyle said: “We learnt something new, planting the bulbs.”

Elliot said: “We did a successful job of planting bulbs on Platform 2 with others. Big thumbs up – I liked doing it.”

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