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Latest rail user travel summary from Transport Focus – 20 December 2021

Passenger transport watchdog, Transport Focus has continued surveying 2,000 people over the past year, to gauge attitudes on public transport use. The latest results are available here. We have been regularly summarising the figures for Community Rail News over the past year.

  • Proportion using rail in the last seven days 12% of people in Great Britain used rail this week, a majority in 18-34 age bracket.
  • Most common reasons for rail travel were commuting, leisure/eating out, and seeing family/friends;
  • Just over two fifths had other travel options to make their journey but chose the train. 56% said the train was the only realistic option for that journey;
  • 88% of rail passengers were satisfied with their rail journey overall;
  • Satisfaction with the number of people wearing face coverings has risen again and stands at 63% this week;
  • Satisfaction with train ventilation has dipped from 62% last week to 59% this week;
  • Almost half of respondents are planning to make journeys to visit friends and family over Christmas. This compares with a third who were making similar plans at this time last year.