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Marston Vale CRP awarded reaccreditation by the DfT

Marston Vale Community Rail Partnership (MVCRP) was re-accredited by the Department for Transport (DfT) on 15 February following a review meeting in November. MVCRP was one of the first of the growing number of community rail partnerships across the country to be awarded accreditation status in February 2020.

‘Accreditation is formal recognition by the DfT that a Community Rail Partnership (CRP) operates to a high standard and that its objectives and activities are supported by Government.

Accreditation should provide assurance to others, including potential funders and partners, that the CRP operates to high standards of governance and financial propriety; adopts a collaborative approach; is worthy of trust by others; and is a suitable entity for receiving public funds. Further Government considers it a good representative of the local community’ (DfT 2021).

Accreditation recognises that CRPs are delivering the four Pillars of the DfT’s Community Rail Development Strategy:

  • Providing a voice for the community
  • Promoting sustainable, healthy and accessible travel
  • Bringing communities together, and supporting diversity & inclusion
  • Supporting social and economic development

Stephen Sleight, MVCRP officer, said, “I am delighted that MVCRP has been reaccredited. It is a fitting testament to the commitment & dedication from of our team of over 70 volunteers who do invaluable work in brightening up our stations, overseeing the day-to-day running of Ridgmont Station Heritage Centre and assisting with administration and promotion of the Line. Despite the challenges of 2020, MVCRP has been able to launch an exciting new Symbol Spot trail (the first of its kind in the country), and celebrate the 75th Anniversaries of VE Day & VJ Day and Christmas with special online concerts. We will use our Reaccreditation as a springboard to do even more for the communities we serve and to assist their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”