Community Rail Awards 2025 now open for Entries! Click here to read more.

How we support members

Community Rail Network helps members to develop and increase their impact locally, while also championing community rail regionally and nationally. 

Our membership is open to community rail partnerships, station friends/adoption groups, community-led station projects, and other community groups wanting to engage with rail.

We provide access to grant schemes dedicated to community rail, as well as signposting and support on wider funding opportunities.

We advise on community rail planning and projects, and wide-ranging topics including: community engagement, volunteering and social inclusion; education and youth engagement; integrated sustainable travel; communications and rail tourism promotion; and station buildings development. We also help members to work collaboratively with the rail industry and wider partners.

Our events, webinars and training bring key topics to life, and enable exchange and networking with other members and partners: as a member, you get free places.

Our members have access to our Impact activity reporting tool, which is designed specifically for community rail partnerships and groups to track and record their activities and assess their outcomes and impact.

We also offer short, practical guidance booklets and tools specifically designed to help those working and volunteering in community rail, as well as more in-depth reports on different aspects of community rail.

If you’re a Community Rail Network member or partner and would like tailored support and advice, contact your support and development team contact.