A momentous occasion for the members of Mytholmroyd Station Partnership was held at the West Yorkshire station on 24 July 2021.
The doors of the former station building were opened wide to reveal the interior of the unfinished but glorious booking office, with people inside, laughing, chatting excitedly as they awaited the arrival of the guest of honour, the Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Ed Anderson who was welcomed by Geoff and Sue Mitchell, chair and secretary of the Mytholmroyd Station Partnership, together with members of the partnership.
The Lord-Lieutenant Ed Anderson was a striking figure, dressed formally in black uniform, but is far from formal. A relaxed, charming and helpful person who obviously enjoys his work as the Representative of Queen Elizabeth here in West Yorkshire. His mission in Mytholmroyd was to present the members of the Partnership with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2021.
Father John Gott intoned a prayer for the occasion; this commenced traditionally, but soon Father Gott’s expertise and sense of humour crept into the text – smiles and chuckles all round. Father John has promised to provide a copy of this unique and special prayer.
The Partnership members and their guests thoroughly enjoyed the simple, but meaningful ceremony as the Lord-Lieutenant handed the beautiful crystal memorial to Sue Mitchell, before he read the moving words on the certificate (which has been personally signed by HRH Queen Elizabeth the Second), for all to enjoy.
Geoff Mitchell accepted the certificate. His answering speech reflected the joy and pleasure of the group whose dedication, and hard work in all weathers is well known. He added voluntary work is not only ‘do-gooding’ or hard work, it is greatly satisfying. The main benefit is friendship, having met as strangers 15 years ago.
Another ‘first’ for the former station building; it had its first event for nearly 50 years since the building was closed – in spite of there being no water, electricity, or toilet facilities.
But the friendly ambiance of this building suggest it will be a favourite place to be with all who work, play or study in this beautiful, quirky building in the not too distant future. Made even more inviting by the sumptuous, scrumptious tea prepared by local Jo’s Kitchen in Mytholmroyd.
Next step; new ideas needed for new ventures. New members who are ready and willing to bring their skills and talents to this vibrant, successful and welcoming group who are determined to see this building fit for purpose for now and for future generations.