Time: Wednesday 10 November 2021, 17:00 (60 minutes)
Venue: Tower Base South, Green Zone at COP26, Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow G51 1EA
How can diverse voices, enthusiasm and creativity be harnessed to achieve low-carbon transport systems and behaviours in local communities? Join us for an interactive, inspirational session on getting the social side of sustainable transport right.
Transport emissions are rising faster globally than any other sector. While a shift to cleaner vehicles is important, it will take decades to take effect. To achieve meaningful change quickly, we must shift reliance away from private cars, making public and community transport, walking, cycling and shared mobility the ‘natural choice’. Research shows the social side of this change is vital: creating place-based solutions, integrating low-carbon modes, and encouraging and enabling sustainable transport behaviours.
The Sustainable Transport Alliance is the UK’s leading partnership of NGOs advocating for healthy, low carbon transport. This session will draw on our networks to showcase practical examples and insights on how local initiatives can engage and empower communities to achieve climate-safe, inclusive, healthy transport systems and behaviours.
Our panel of government, academic, industry and community experts will look at what broader policy and funding support is required to facilitate these initiatives; share expertise on building trust and making change last; and consider the wider impact on climate goals and additional benefits for health, wellbeing and sustainable development. These lessons are adaptable to any local context. This event will include colourful examples that paint an inspiring picture of pathways to clean, green, equitable travel. Our panel of experts will engage in a lively debate, taking questions and comments from the audience to relate our experiences to other locations globally, sharing ideas, thinking and positivity around what we have to gain from cleaner transport.
Speakers to be announced shortly.
This event will be held live at COP26 in Glasgow, and streamed online, on 10 November 2021. TO apply for tickets, click on the link below.