A new customer information screen (CIS) showing real-time train information on the Penistone Line has been installed at The Wagon & Horses, Chapeltown.
The project is the initiative of the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, and was made possible by the Penistone Line Partnership, who have funded the project, and Peter Bryan of Wetherspoon’s Wagon & Horses, Chapeltown, who oversaw the installation of the live information board.
It is hoped that the live information screen is the first of many, with the aim for all South Yorkshire railway stations to be covered by a community-hosted CIS at some point.
Sarah Wells of the Penistone Line Partnership said: “Having the screen in a public setting will keep customers up to date with real-time information on the local train service and help to promote the train as a sustainable travel option from and to Chapeltown centre.”
Peter Bryan of Wetherspoon’s Wagon & Horses, Chapeltown, said: “I feel this is a great addition to the pub. As we are close to Chapeltown’s railway station, we can help customers stay relaxed and warm in the winter months and keep them safe, as they are not having to wait on a platform for long periods of time until their train is due.
“More and more customers are seeing we have this screen now, and all have said that it looks amazing and makes their day easier and more relaxed.
“Being a community pub, it is not always about looking at things that benefit the pub, but also looking at things to benefit the community and the people it serves – and this screen helps link in with this.”
As a result of the partnership, Glyn Scothern, a member of the Penistone Line Partnership board of directors, has been working with Peter Bryan on plans to use the Wagon & Horses as a venue for seasonal community events later in the year, continuing to bring communities together along the Penistone Line.
Keep up to date with future projects, news and events from the Penistone Line Partnership via their website.