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Sheringham Station signposting aims to boost accessible and sustainable tourism

Visitors arriving at Sheringham Station are now greeted by new signage and a large town map as part of an ongoing initiative led by the Bittern Line Community Rail Partnership (CRP).

The two large ‘Welcome to Sheringham’ signs on the station platform include both the Bittern Line CRP and Deep History Coast logos, as well as an ‘alight here for the North Norfolk Railway’ message. The extra-large print was designed to be more helpful to those with impaired vision and conditions such as dementia when navigating stations.

In 2022-23, over 230,000 people used Sheringham Station, and installation of the town map aims to further help direct passengers to various attractions and amenities around the town.

As part of the ongoing initiative, station signage at the coastal end of the line will feature the Deep History Coast tourism branding, with signs recently installed at North Walsham station highlighting the locations status as an historic market town. Further down the line, dual branding includes locations within the Broads National Park. The partnership has also installed maps at stations serving Salhouse and North Walsham with improved way-marking for visitors at Hoveton & Wroxham.

Liz Withington, vice chair of the Bittern Line CRP, said: “The Sheringham town map project was a collaborative community project to help build a destination brand for Sheringham and highlight the broad range of facilities we have to offer visitors in our vibrant town. What better place for the first sign to be installed than at the railway station, where thousands of visitors first experience Sheringham.

“We also had in mind that being able to access public transport is very important to enable people to live well with dementia. Clear large signage at the right height can make a huge difference to help those who through their condition could become anxious or confused in managing journeys. This new signage will help those living with dementia and others with a range of disabilities to continue to be independent and connected to their communities for longer.”

Keep up to date with future news, projects and events from the Bittern Line CRP via their website.