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Rhiannon-Jane Raftery

Team member
Community rail development coordinator (Wales and Borders)
07719 559975

Part-time. Working days: Tues-Thurs and Fri AM.

Rhiannon’s role is to advise, inspire and develop community rail partnerships across Wales & Borders. She works closely with Transport for Wales and Welsh Government creating opportunities to increase impact of community rail on wellbeing, sustainable and active travel, sustainability, and inclusion.

She brings expertise of working in sustainability in higher education and for a major conservation charity specializing in sustainable places, behavioural change, climate action and mitigation. She is a Fellow of the RSA, Member of the Institute of Place Management, director of a Community Development Trust and a qualified carbon literacy trainer. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring second-hand bookshops, walking, and reading.

See where Rhiannon sits within Community Rail Network's organisational structure.