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Teddy bears’ picnic returns to the Glossop Line

Station friends groups at Glossop, Hadfield and Guide Bridge have hosted their annual Teddy Bears’ Picnic for local families.

With the support of Northern, free train travel was offered to all families taking part in the event on Saturday 29 June, many of whom were first-time visitors to the stations and even rail travel.

Each station hosted a popular ‘find the teddy bear’ competition with picnic food and refreshments. The groups took the opportunity to showcase each station’s facilities and volunteer activity to the new passengers.

At Guide Bridge, visitors were able to explore the Memorial Gardens and centrepiece mineral wagon, as well as learning more about the soon-to-be opened Woodhead Railway Museum currently being developed in a renovated station building on Platform 2.

Neil Williams of the Friends of Glossop Station said: “We were absolutely delighted with the response! Over 80 families travelled between the stations, which is our largest number to date.

“There have been so many nice comments and messages of thanks for the event – the free rail travel was particularly appreciated. One mum said: ‘It has made my four-year-old’s day. She was so excited for her first ever train trip.’

“All the friends groups are indebted to the support provided by Becky Styles, community and sustainability manager at Northern, who helped not only promote the event but get involved on the day too. The event was also supported by the High Peak & Hope Valley CRP and South East Manchester CRP.”

Keep up to date with future news, projects and events from the Friends of Glossop Station via their website.