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Transport Focus Covid-19 return to rail travel – latest research summary (7 May 2021)

Passenger transport watchdog, Transport Focus has continued surveying 2,000 people over the eight months, to gauge attitudes on public transport use during the Covid-19 pandemic. The latest results are available here. We have been regularly summarising the figures for Community Rail News over the past year.

  • Nine out of ten survey respondants felt safe using the train over the last seven days.
  • Over 80% of respondants using rail in the last seven days reported that they felt trains were safe and there was enough physical distance between passengers.
  • When provided with a list of factors, respondants said having both doses of the vaccine is most likely to prompt them to use a train.
  • Increasing proportions of people are making journeys for various reasons. There has been a significant increase in those making journeys for leisure reasons, such as eating out.