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Update from the Community Rail Education Network

Update from the Community Rail Education Network

For the first Education Network meeting of 2023, members were shown how to access the new Education Network portal on Community Rail Lancashire’s TrainEd website. Here, members are able to find meeting minutes, video recordings and resources from each meeting. There is also a resources file with documents to support you in your role.

The meeting was joined by Oliver Loveday from IntoFilm, who spoke of an opportunity to provide free film screenings for young people, where they are assisted by community rail partnerships in travelling to the cinema by rail. Pete Woods and Mary-Anne Snowden from the British Transport Police also attended and talked about contacting schools and creating a resource to prevent young people trespassing.

The Education Network is open to anyone with an interest in Railway Education. If you would like to join the Network and have access to the portal of resources, please contact Karen on

The next Education Network meeting will be held on Thursday 16 February. You can view the minutes from January’s meeting here.

Karen Bennet, Chair of the Education Network, is currently on secondment with the Community Rail Network team for 6 months. She will continue to develop the Education Network and organise a programme of events. Karen will also be carrying out an audit of education and youth engagement work undertaken by community rail partnerships across Britain. You will hear from Karen at some point over the next couple of months as she finds out what sort of things you’ve been up to and whether she or other Community Rail Network staff can support you further with projects.