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Connecting communities through art with the Friends of Goostrey Station

The Friends of Goostrey Station have installed the final pieces of artwork as part of their Coronation and Big Help Out celebrations.

To celebrate King Charles III’s Coronation in May, the Friends ran a free, hands-on workshop at Goostrey Art Studio (funded by the Crewe-to-Manchester CRP) where participants joined in making and decorating clay stepping-stones.

The workshop was also to mark the Big Help Out, a national campaign encouraging members of the public to try volunteering for themselves and make a difference in their community.

Over 60 adults and children worked at Goostrey Art Studio with professional artist Debbie Goldsmith to decorate the clay discs. They used natural materials and letter shapes, and each person chose their own design.

Once the discs had dried, Debbie carefully transported them to the Clay Studio in Manchester for the first firing. In July, around 30 people who had made the discs were available to colour and glaze them. All 70 discs survived a second firing and the journeys to and from Manchester.

After cleaning and repainting the exterior of the wooden planters on the station platform, the discs were glued in place, beautifully complementing the flowering plants bought from Hassall’s Nursery, with a donation from Goostrey Companions.

If you’re interested in bringing a group to Goostrey Art Studio, contact Debbie Goldsmith on

No breakages! Artist Debbie Goldsmith and Chair of FoGS Craig Sidebotham unpack the finished coronation discs.