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DfT release latest walking & cycling statistics

The Department for Transport (DfT) has released figures for walking and cycling in England during 2021, based on the National Travel Survey and Active Lives Survey.

Results show that in 2021:

  • people made an average of 235 walking trips and walked an average of 210 miles
  • walking trips and stages were similar to 2020, but remain below pre-pandemic levels
  • people did not walk as far compared to the previous year but compared to all years prior to 2020, people made more walking trips of over a mile
  • people made an average of 15 cycling trips and cycled an average of 55 miles, falling back to pre-pandemic trends
  • whilst people have cycled less on average than during the pandemic, leisure remains the main trip purpose continuing the trend seen during the pandemic
  • people cycled distances 37% shorter than the record-breaking levels seen in the previous year but cycled 2% farther compared to 2019

Read the full report here…

Information, advice and examples on how community rail partnerships and station groups can work to promote and improve access to active travel, connected with the railways, can be found in our Connected Stations Toolkit.

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