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Community rail partnership membership

Community rail partnerships

Community rail partnerships (CRPs) form the backbone of the community rail movement, working to engage local communities in their railway along a route or multiple routes. Community Rail Network works to support CRPs to be effective and sustainable.

Members must be properly constituted and are admitted at our board’s discretion. Groups that are working towards becoming a CRP but are not yet fully set up and funded* can access this at half price.

Our support for CRPs tends to focus on an annual visit and ‘line plan’ meeting, where we work with you to plan ahead, focus on your key priorities, and operate in an effective way. As a member you can also access grant funding administered by Community Rail Network. We also offer free access to a range of events, learning opportunities and resources, and advice on activities and issues you’re working on throughout the year.

CRP membership of Community Rail Network provides your CRP with a wide range of benefits, which are currently as follows. NB. Member benefits are heavily subsidised (subject to external funding) and therefore may be withdrawn or varied at any point:

  • A named Support and Development officer, providing advice and support as needed (usually by phone and email, but may include visits) plus structured support around annual planning and review, and support through the Department of Transport’s CRP accreditation scheme should you opt to undertake or renew this.
  • Advice from in-house specialists on a range of topics including governance, tourism, communications, integrated transport, and education, and referral to our resources and partners where relevant.
  • Facilitated introductions to our partners and other CRPs for guidance and sharing of good practice.
  • Two free places at our National Community Rail Conference (for x1 Chair and x1 officer). Places are subject to availability, multi-line CRPs required to pay memberships for additional lines can access one free place per extra line, for the officer, chair or another representative covering that line**.
  • Free attendance at our online and in-person training workshops, webinars and networking events for the CRP Chair and CRP Officer(s).
  • Access to our training bursary (up to £200) to fund, or part-fund, a course place or conference fees to support employee or volunteer development.
  • Access to the Community Rail Development Fund (CRDF) grant fund for CRPs accredited through the DfT’s scheme, subject to the scheme’s availability, terms and conditions. See CRDF application form.
  • Access to our Small Grants Fund (SGF), subject to the scheme’s availability and terms and conditions***.
  • Free access to IMPACT – our activity reporting tool.
  • One vote per CRP membership at our AGM (additional paying lines do not get additional votes).
  • A say in Community Rail Network’s work through our members’ survey, or by giving us your views at other times.
  • Access to (and invitation to contribute to) our fortnightly ‘Community Rail News’.
  • Access to resources, reports, event materials, and tools to support your work.
  • Suggested suppliers to help you find services that suit your needs and budget.

 * We usually count CRPs receiving less than £1,000 per annum as ‘unfunded’, but this is dependent on individual circumstances and at Community Rail Network’s discretion.

**Places are subject to availability. ‘Extra line members’ invites will be released in a second wave of ticketing.    

***Non-accredited CRPs only.

Membership pricing structure

Single Line CRPs: £150 (+VAT) pa, or £75+VAT for unfunded single line CRPs

Multi-line CRPs: Multi-line CRP groups should review the following four statements and answer ‘yes or no’ to determine whether they are categorised as a type 1 or type 2 multi-line CRP member, and what their consequent membership fee will be:

  • Subsidiary line groups within the overall CRP have their own chair and steering group;
  • Subsidiary line groups within the overall CRP make their own local decisions about appointments to the steering group;
  • The subsidiary line groups are able to set their own activity plan projects and priorities and apply independently for funding for these, even if the funding is actually held by the umbrella body;
  • The subsidiary line group chairs may seek to attend Community Rail Network events and would be eligible to have a vote at the Community Rail Network AGM.

Type 1: Multi-line CRP group: If the multi-line CRP group answers no to all the above statements, their annual membership fee would be £150+VAT (or £75+VAT if an unfunded CRP).

Type 2: Multi-line CRP group: If the multi-line CRP group answers yes to one, or more, of the above statements, then the CRP would be eligible to pay an annual membership fee of £150+VAT (or £75+VAT if an unfunded CRP); plus an additional £75+VAT (or £35+VAT if unfunded) for each of the group’s additional lines/routes.

Download membership form.