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London Northwestern Railway community grant breathes new life into stations

A restored tearoom at the picturesque Bricket Wood Station in Hertfordshire is now officially open for business thanks to a grant fund from London Northwestern Railway (LNR).

As a result of a feasibility study funded by Community Rail Network in 2018, Bricket Wood Station on the Abbey Line has benefited from a makeover thanks to £250,000 from LNR’s ‘Your Community, Your Fund’ and years of dedication to the project from local volunteers.

The tearoom – located in a disused building at the single-platform station – was officially opened on Sunday 22 October at a ceremony attended by representatives from LNR, the Bricket Wood Station Heritage Trust and local dignitaries.

As well as the tearoom, which has already attracted hundreds of visitors since opening earlier this year, the grant funding also means the station is now home to informative displays about the history of the site.

David Horton, Chair of the Bricket Wood Station Heritage Trust, said: “The quality of the Edwardian-style tearoom will assure popularity and love for the building for many years to come. I’d like to thank all of those involved in the project over the last seven years for their dedication, hard work and skill, not least my fellow Trustees, our architect, and our restoration team.

“An enormous thanks must also be extended to our industry partners Network Rail, London Northwestern Railway, and the Railway Heritage Trust, without whom none of this would have been possible.”

Cara Higgs, LNR Community Strategy Manager, said: “The new tearoom at Bricket Wood has transformed the station and the Heritage Trust have done a wonderful job in managing the restoration.

“The tearoom is already hugely popular, and it is a perfect example of why London Northwestern Railway schemes are integral to local communities.”

The Bricket Wood Station tearoom is open from 9am-3pm on Wednesday-Saturday.

Find out more about LNR’s ‘Your Community, Your Fund’ here.