Community Rail Awards 2025 now open for Entries! Click here to read more.

Members' services

We provide expert advice and support to help our members increase their impact locally, while also championing community rail nationally.

How we support members

Find out about the different ways we support our members to shape green and inclusive transport futures for their local communities.

How we support members

Find out about the different ways we support our members to shape green and inclusive transport futures for their local communities.

Grants, funding & bursaries

We provide our members with ideas of where to look for funding and tips on how to apply.

Grants, funding & bursaries

We provide our members with ideas of where to look for funding and tips on how to apply.

Training and development

Our training and development programme is here to help the community rail movement continue to grow and fulfil its potential.
Training (1600 x 700)

Training and development

Our training and development programme is here to help the community rail movement continue to grow and fulfil its potential.

Past event materials

Browse our library of materials from previous webinars, training sessions, and our annual Conference.
St Annes

Past event materials

Browse our library of materials from previous webinars, training sessions, and our annual Conference.

Impact reporting tool

Demonstrate and evidence the positive outcomes your work is achieving with our Impact tool.

Impact reporting tool

Demonstrate and evidence the positive outcomes your work is achieving with our Impact tool.

Education Network

Join our established network for information on how to engage with schools, young people, and community groups.

Education Network

Join our established network for information on how to engage with schools, young people, and community groups.

Tourism Network

Find out how you can get involved in encouraging more people to take the train for greener, healthier journeys using community rail lines.

Tourism Network

Find out how you can get involved in encouraging more people to take the train for greener, healthier journeys using community rail lines.

Request support from our corporate partners

Each of our partners offer a variety of different skill sets, knowledge, and opportunities, all of which are available for Community Rail Network members to access.
How our CPs support

Request support from our corporate partners

Each of our partners offer a variety of different skill sets, knowledge, and opportunities, all of which are available for Community Rail Network members to access.

Member Resources

Community rail: engaging in local planning and development

Community rail: a guide to tackling anti-social behaviour

Guidance for submitting Community Rail News stories