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Tackling loneliness with transport

Revisit our ‘Tackling loneliness with transport’ webinar. This online session takes an in-depth look at the ‘Tackling loneliness with transport’ project and how community rail groups can adapt this model for themselves.

This ground-breaking project set out to forge an innovative approach to engaging young people with transport and tackling loneliness among some of the most at-risk groups. By boosting skills and confidence among 15–24-year-olds, this can bring about life-changing benefits addressing loneliness and improving health, wellbeing, cohesion, sustainability, and fair access to opportunity.




Downloadable resources

Welcome and introductions: context of the project

Jools Townsend (chief executive) and David Littlefair (youth engagement project coordinator), Community Rail Network

What we achieved

Dr Miriam Ricci (Senior Research Fellow), University of the West of England

How we used a network of community partners to deliver work 

Katie Douglas (Accessibility and Inclusion Officer), Community Rail Lancashire

How we worked and built relationships with schools and colleges 

Gareth Moore (Partnership Manager), Catch22

How we built relationships with under-represented and marginalised groups

Troy Tanska (Community Development Officer), Severnside CRP and Alayne McDonald (Community Development Officer), Gloucestershire CRP

Loneliness: what it is, how it affects young people, how it can be tackled, and the role of transport – key evidence report

Dr Miriam Ricci

Making Connections: project report June 2023 

Community Rail Lancashire