Town map installed at Handforth Station thanks to Crewe-Manchester CRP grant

A new town map has been installed at Handforth Station. The new town map was originally designed in 2023 by a committee member of the Friends of Handforth Station, with enhancements from other volunteers and Handforth Town Councillors. Two copies have already been installed by Handforth Town Council at two locations in the town with […]
British Railways totem returns to Handforth Station after 40 years

A British Railways totem has been returned to Handforth Station after sitting in a local resident’s attic for over 40 years. In the early 1980s, British Rail were nearing the end of their process to change all the old platform name totems to more modern versions. It was around this time that local Handforth resident […]
Friends of Handforth Station donate rail safety books to local school

Friends of Handforth Station (FoHS) has been engaging local school children in rail safety activities with the help of the book Arlo’s Adventures There and Back. The Crewe to Manchester Community Rail Partnership kindly issued the Friends of Handforth Station with a number of copies of the ‘pick a path’ rail safety book written by […]
Friends of Handforth Station engage local community in biodiversity activities

The Friends of Handforth Station (FoHS) have continued their association with Barnies Community Hub in Crewe, by commissioning and installing some animal houses made by the Barnies volunteers. Barnies Community Hub provides support to adults with physical and/or mental disabilities and to their carers, through activities such as a community garden, woodwork, a computer club, […]
Visitors invited to Handforth Station to explore the Platform for Art and take part in Easter Quiz

The Friends of Handforth Station (FoHS) are pleased to announce their annual Easter Quiz. The Friends invite everyone to visit Handforth Station to explore the Platform for Art and to find answers to the Easter Quiz. This year’s fun competition is comprised of ten questions, all based on pictures and motifs within the Millennium Screen. […]